HelpMake v.1.01 by Quintin Willison A Moose Production * FREEWARE *** Requires VBRUN300.DLL ** Requires HC31.EXE * --- ------------------------- --- This is my first released version of HelpMake, a tool for creating RTF and HPJ source files to be fed into the Microsoft Help Compiler for DOS in order to create Windows HLP documentation files. This program does not require ANY other software apart from the HC31.EXE compiler which comes with any Windows Software Development Kit. You don't need Micrsoft Word as this program creates the RTF!! Supplied in this archive should be ---------------------------------- HELPMAKE.EXE The HelpMake program - add it to your Program Manager. HELPMAKE.HLP The HelpMake help documentation - either put this in the working directory you set HelpMake up for, or in your Windows directory. README.TXT This file. HC31.PIF Place this in your Windows directory. It is a DOS session settings file for Windows used by HelpMake to run the Microsoft HC31.EXE program, which should also be placed in your Windows directory. HC31.EXE -------- I developed HelpMake to provide valid RTF source code for the following version of the Microsoft Help Compiler: 3.10.504 (Extended) I cannot guarantee HelpMake for any other version, although it's 99.99% likely to work with other versions - I just don't have those other versions to test it on!! Instructions ------------ For instructions on using HelpMake consult the Help documentation file. Either run HELPMAKE.HLP from the Program Manager or select Contents from the Help menu when you have HelpMake loaded.